North Arm Pistol Club
269 Fairhill Road Yandina, Queensland 4561
Postal Address
PO Box 132 Yandina, Queensland 4561
Email: info@northarmpistol.org.au
Weapons Safety Courses
11029NAT Course in Firearms and Weapons Safety (Approved for licensing in Queensland) released on the 1st May 2022 replaces and is equivalent to the prior course - 10618NAT Course in Firearms Safety (Approved for firearms licensing in Qld). Courses for Category A/B/C/D & H are generally run on a monthly basis and on an as needs basis based on the number of participants and available of Instructors.
Trainer (Firearms Instructors) Contact Details
Ballistic Training Solutions Pty Ltd - Weapons Categories A/B/H/C/M & D
Safety Course Enquiries - Ph: 1300 738 098
E: info@ballistic.edu.au W: www.ballistic.edu.au
Enquiries regarding new memberships to the North Arm Pistol Club should be directed to the NAPC new members officer for assistance as appropriate via the Contact Us Page, Joining Page or emailing newmembers@northarmpistol.org.au
Prospective Member and Member Coaching Activities
New Members are always welcome, but the national firearm agreement relating to handguns, introduced on 1st July 2003 requires clubs and new shooters to operate under a scheme of membership and graduated access to handguns.
For more information you should visit the Queensland Police Service Weapons Licensing Branch website at www.police.qld.gov.au/units/weapons-licensing and the North Arm Pistol Club website www.sunshinecoastpistol.com.
The enclosed details are a summary of information to assist with gaining a greater understanding on the participation, cost and timeframe requirements for joining a club, obtaining a Concealable Firearms Licence and progressing through the graduated access to handgun process
Probationary Period
You must be a member of an approved club for at least six (6) months before you can apply for a concealable handgun licence. During this period you will be required to complete an approved Weapons Safety Course and you will be required to complete at least 3 competition shoots at the club. These must be recorded on the shooters participation card. The club will provide introductory training for new shooters.
Membership Process
If you don't currently have a weapons Licence (Category A,B etc.) lodge an application with Qld Police for a Statement of Eligibility for joining a Pistol Club
Discuss application requirements with a member of the NAPC Committee (New Membership Officer)
Complete an application form for membership from the NAPC website and provide statement of eligibility (or copy of current Qld Weapons Licence) and 2 signed written character references from people who have known you for 2 years or greater who attest to your character and standing in the community. (Ensure contact details are included in these letters)
Pay the appropriate membership fee and await Committee approval of your membership application.
Once membership is approved:
Complete 6 month WLB and NAPC (run concurrently) probation period including competition/participation requirements Complete Weapons Safety Course Covering Category H Requirements
Provide the club with a copy of your signed participation records for the 6 month period, verify your minimum competition requirements and provide a copy of your signed participation record.
Obtain 6 month verification letter from the club PRIOR to Licence lodgement (518A form)
Lodge your Category H Weapons Licence Application with Qld Police
Once approved undertake Participation and Permit to Acquire processes per 1st year in the graduated access to handgun requirements per legal requirements.
Ensure participation requirements meet your legal requirements for your Qld Concealable Handgun Licence.
These are Mandatory Legal Requirements
Induction and Training Programs
Our new member induction and support programs are an important part of our Club’s commitment to ensuring all of our prospective new members are well informed and supported in their choice to pursue membership and participation in our fantastic sport.
The North Arm Pistol Club has a range of support activities aimed at supporting prospective new members, new members and existing members in their membership and licence applications, competitions and development coaching.
Probationary Member Coaching
On Successful Completion of New Shooter Induction and acceptance of your membership application to join NAPC you will then need to undertake 3 competition shoots as part of your probationary participation requirements. Throughout this process you are expected to be building on your knowledge and skills towards becoming a licensed member of the Club. A nominal charge may be applied to cover the costs of operating such activities as appropriate. This is a guide only and progression is based on your safety and competency.
Come and Try Sessions
This program is designed for new shooters with little or no previous experience who are looking at coming out and investigating what the sport is about, the different competitions and disciplines and exploring the membership requirements and options applicable for their situation.
The major focus elements of this activity are on ensuring a sound understanding on safety principles and practices whilst providing an introductory exposure to pistol shooting activities.
Enquiries on membership should be directed to newmembers@northarmpistol.org.au along with your contact details and our new membership officer will contact you to discuss your interest and the requirements further. (Participation is by appointment ONLY for this activity and all participants will need to complete a Form 33 PRIOR to any participation on range activities. A nominal charge may be applied lo cover the costs of operating such activities as appropriate)
New Shooter Induction (Following membership application and joining fees paid)
The program focuses on safety, competition activities, techniques for control and accuracy and an understanding of the competition rules and requirements which you will be undertaking as part of the probationary phase of your Licence application.
Bookings are made for these activities via email to newmembers@northarmpistol.org.au Participation is by appointment ONLY for this activity and all participants will need to complete a Form 33 PRIOR to any participation on range activities. A nominal charge may be applied to cover the costs of operating such activities as appropriate.
New Shooter IPSC Induction Post Session
This program is designed for new shooters who have completed then NAPC induction program and actively completed at least 3 ISSF competition shoots demonstrating firearms safety handing, trigger control, muzzle control and shot placement control.
Police Officers and Boarder Force Officers may be exempt from ISSF shoots.
IPSC is a dynamic sports shooting event and requires a high degree of firearms safety and competency. Initial induction training is booked with an experienced IPSC trainer who will progress your safety competency training requirements.
Further Training Such as Holster accreditation and advanced training is available once you are an approved member of PSAQ affiliated with IPSC Australia with more details on the process provided as part of the IPSC induction program.
Appointments can be made through the New Members Officer via Email at newmembers@northarmpistol.org.au