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News & Club Updates


March 22, 2020

Dear Members

The COVID-19 Virus issue continues to add pressure to our everyday life activities in both work social and sporting activities.
As you would be aware, we introduced a number of strategies to minimise the opportunity of infection and viral spread through club related activities including:

  • Social distancing requirements

  • Outdoor hygiene stations

  • Own pens and dedicated scorers and iPad scorers

In our Shooting club community in this period, we have seen the North Arm Rifle Club Close their shooting activities until the end of April 2020 and SSAA Rifle Club have cancelled all general shooting activities until further notice.
Per our last communication the committee met today to discuss the risk management strategies and ongoing club operational requirements to ensure safety across all club/facility users.
The committee reviewed current government guidelines including:

  • Social distancing (1.5m distance)

  • 2x2 Square metre requirements

  • “Essential” gatherings

  • The current recommendations on essential and non-essential travel

  • The progression of state border and travel movement restrictions

  • The closure of bars, nightclubs, clubs, sporting facilities and cinemas from Monday and further measures further restricting social movement and interaction to reduce viral spread

In reviewing all of these areas we kept coming back to the core requirement to provide a safe place for the enjoyment of our sport for members, visitors and the community and how we can achieve this given the increasing requirements and the nature of our sport being interactive a social between participants.
It is with regret that we write to advise that the safest course of action for all members, families and the community is for us to cease operation of club shooting activities at this time.


We are aware that this comes as a large impost and inconvenience however our first commitment has to be focused on the safety of all members and visitors.
There has been questions from some members on the impact that this may have on participation requirements for the year (this is a QPS licencing requirement) QPS WLB have advised that they are currently drafting a communication on 2019/2020 participation reporting requirements given the current COVID-19 issue.
We expect that there will be leniency applied based on the effects of the COVID-19 issue and licence holders not being able to meet their normal participation obligations. (More information to be advised on this as it comes to hand however government has made it abundantly clear that the first priority is on safety and social distancing and isolation strategies).

In relation to members fees, there has been a couple of questions on the status of members fees and the annual renewal process. The first important item is to remember that we all MUST be a financial member of an approved pistol club to substantiate our licence conditions.
The other critical factor is the continued financial operation of the club and its support and obligations. Whilst it is inconvenient that club matches are cancelled, and large grand slam matches postponed these will also have a knock-on effect to the club’s financial operation which we need to protect and ensure the ongoing sustainability and enjoyment opportunities for members.
With this in mind, we have discussed minimizing any upcoming expenditure to core club operational expenditure necessary for the ongoing operation of the club (Insurance, Utilities, Licencing, Maintenance etc) and freezing the annual renewal fees for the next financial year at the current rate and delaying the next annual CPI review of fees until the 2021/2022 review.

We are aware this is a long communication however we are mindful that this is a critical time and one where you need the most amount of information at hand.
The electronic access control system has been updated to include this closure period and will deny access to the range until the range is re-opened.
The timeframe for our club closure is not yet determined, this will be evaluated on a weekly basis with the committee reviewing current situation and government feedback on community safety obligations and we will keep you informed via email, website news and our social media page.

There may be some who disagree with this decision, that is fine, we all have an entitlement to our opinions, however we must ensure safety of ALL members and the community is our first priority and overwhelmingly this leads us to take consistent measures in line with that in the rest of our community.
If you have any questions on this closure please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the committee or email the Secretary at

Further information on Government initiatives, social distancing requirements and restrictions and general safety measures can be accessed at:
This is a dynamic un-precedented situation which affects all of us, our community, State, Nation and rest of the world, we wish you all a very safe time to you, your family and friends and look forward to seeing you on the range again, hopefully in the not too distant future.

Your Committee
North Arm Pistol Club Incorporated / North Arm PSQ Affiliates Club

QPS WLB Update on Cat H Participation Requirements 25/3/2020

March 24, 2020

Weapons Licensing acknowledges and appreciates the impacts that the emergent novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is having on the both the target shooting and wider weapons licence holder community.
As you are aware, under the Weapons Act 1990, Concealable Weapons Licence Holders are subject to participation requirements if they are the registered owner of one or more Category H firearm/s for the genuine reason of Sports or Target Shooting.
These participation requirements, for each financial year, are usually:  If they are the registered owner of one or more Category H weapons in a single class - not less than six (6) handgun shooting competitions; or  If they are the registered owner of at least one (1) Category H weapon in each of two (2) or more classes, four (4) club organised shoots for each class.
For reference, the classes are:  Class A – Air Pistols;  Class B – Centrefire Pistols with a calibre of not more than .38 inch (9mm) or black powder;  Class C – Centrefire Pistols with a calibre of more than .38 inch (9mm) but not more than .45 inch; and  Class D – Rimfire Pistols.
Holders of Concealable Weapons Licences for Sports or Target Shooting who do not have any firearms registered to their licence are not subject to participation requirements, however, they must still maintain current club membership in order to satisfy the genuine reason for their licence.
Please be advised:
In accordance with subsection 133(7) of the Weapons Act 1990, due to closures, recommendations to avoid non-essential gatherings and travel and other impacts arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, Weapons Licensing is satisfied that Category H concealable firearms licence holders are duly considered “unable to comply with a relevant participation condition for the year for reasons outside the licensee’s control” from the period commencing 1 March 2020 until 30 June 2020.
Please note, in accordance with subsection 133(8) of the Weapons Act 1990, this decision is made on a basis of “whole calendar months, having regard to the period that the authorised officer is satisfied the licensee is, or was, unable to comply with a relevant participation condition for reasons outside the licensee’s control.”

In practice, this means that licensees will still be required to either have completed a prorated number of shooting competitions (detailed below) for the July 2019 to February 2020 period, or make a submission as to why they were not able to do so.
Therefore, the expected minimum number of participation shoots for the 2019-20 financial year is:
Number of Classes of Handgun
Number of Shoots Required
One Four (4) Two  Five (5) Three Eight (8) Four Ten (10)
While a submission (upon application for licence renewal) is required if a licence holder has not met these revised participation shoots, Queensland Concealable Firearms Licence Holders who act in good faith will not have adverse action taken against their licences for failing to complete their required participation shoots due to disruptions arising from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.  
Weapons Licensing appreciates that licence holders complete their shoots at different times during the year, and that some licensees may now not be able to meet their required shoots.  
Should further arrangements be required for the 2020-21 financial year, advice will be provided closer to that date.
Yours sincerely,

NAPC IPSC Grand Slam COVID-19 Notice

March 16, 2020

Dear Members,


On behalf of the committee, I write to you in relation to the current COVID-19 Virus development and the potential impact on our members, visitors, the community and the club.


There is a lot of information currently circulating in the media, industry specifics and community in general which is a changing landscape on a daily basis.


Sport is one area that is hit hard as many disciplines make the difficult call to minimise risk and maximise the safety by cancelling matches and events (Australian Grand Prix, Cricket, Football, NRL etc.) which has a direct impact on the community, players and support teams.


Our shooting activities, whilst linked to sport are also recreational and social in nature and we luckily don’t have the same financial pressures on our sport but we certainly have the same level of commitment to safety, diligence in our approach and support of members visitors and the broader community.


In relation to club membership it should also be noted that the average age of our club is in the target demographic for this current viral issue.


It is with these areas and more in mind that we have decided it is in the best interests of all parties to postpone the NAPC IPSC Grand slam event that was scheduled for the end of March.


We will advise of a future date that we can host this event and look forward to hosting everyone at our wonderful facility on the Sunshine Coast.


On behalf of the committee, I would like to extend a huge thankyou to the organising team and acknowledge the amount of work that has gone into planning this event with this decision weighing heavily on the back of cancelling the last 2 Grand slam events due to weather conditions.


Our focus is on safety and supporting our members, families and the community in navigating through this difficult period. This is not about sticking just to the minimum rules at the time but looking at the best practice and requirements for all concerned.


In relation to information available on social isolation, social distancing and hygiene, please find information attached from the Department of Health on COVID_19 and the required diligence in the community.


In relation to standard range operation, this remains (at this stage) with match schedule and days of operation for this week unchanged (Wed/Thur/Sun). If you are sick, feeling unwell or not comfortable attending the range please don’t attend the range and seek assistance and support as appropriate.


The committee will be meeting on Sunday to discuss standard club operations, risk management and social distancing strategies in line with club operating requirements which we will advise in due course.


Please support your fellow members. This might not be a big issue for some, but it is a life threatening issue for others and we need to be socially considerate and responsible. We all enjoy sports shooting and will get plenty of time to enjoy our sport in the future even if there are a few interruptions along the way.


If you have any questions please feel free to contact me or any member of your committee.


Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all on the range soon.


Best Regards


NAPC / NAPSQAC President


January 01, 2020

Dear Members & Visitors

As you are aware next Wednesday 25-04-18  is Anzac Day. There following changes to the range opening hours and matches are as follows:

·         Range will open at 11.00am

·         One minutes silence will be held before each match commences

·         The Australian flag will be kept at half-mast but due to WLB laws the red range flag has to be at full height.

·         The first match for ISSF will be STD pistol followed by Centrefire

NAPC Working Bee

WORKING BEE Sunday 29 April 2018 Starting from 0730

Proposed work schedule:

ISSF Target board replacements

Rubber retaining sleepers to front range 8 berms

Clean office and toilets including doors and gutters

Spray Grass on range 4 again (Rod McMahon)

Fit Door between range 4 and range 8 as per standing orders (Lex)

Welding repairs to plate racks and Range 4 target frames (Andrew Smith & others)

Repair IPSC target stands and check all equipment

Sort out IPSC target frames and remove staples from salvageable target sticks

Remove rock, stones and pieces of cement from all ranges (wheelbarrows required)

Clean drain (shovels required) beside SSAA wall and slash along walls and drains.

Clean out containers and restack equipment etc

Clean up rubbish and remove from range (trailers required for tip)

Patch old concrete dividing wall between range 4 and 8 (Glen Sheehan)

Panel beat baffles over range 2, 3 5 & 6.

Equipment required:

Slashers incl heavy duty, wheelbarrows, trailers for tip runs, assorted hand tools and drivers.

Members should notify intention to attend or advise availability of equipment to:

Email:  Kerrod Parsons


December 31, 2017

Happy New Year to all Members and Visitors!

Whilst the North Arm Pistol Club is currently closed for ALL shooting for the festive break we are happy to advise the re-opening of range facilities on Sunday 7th January 2017.

Best Regards

The Committee - NAPC

Christmas Close

December 09, 2017

Merry Christmas to All Members and Visitors, We wish to advise the annual Christmas Break up is scheduled for Sunday 10th December starting at 8.30 am. 

This will be the last day of shooting at the club with the range closure effective until Sunday 7th January 2018.

We wish everyone a festive season with family and friends and look forward to seeing you on the range soon.

NAPC Members Update 21st July 2016

January 01, 2020

North Arm Pistol Club Working Bees

Normally working bees are scheduled for the 5th Sundays as they occur.  However, Sunday 31 July NAPC is hosting an Interclub IPSC competition.  To catch up on some outstanding jobs and to prepare for the match the following working bees are planned.

Saturday 23 July 2916 for 07.30 to 11.00

Jobs include:

Slashing and mowing

Dig trench and install overflow for water tank

Septic vent

Repair outside seats and tables

Clear and tidy ranges, including crusher dust to ranges 5,6,7

Sort, repair and tidy equipment – especially IPSC

Equipment required: Barrows, spreaders, carpentry gear

Saturday 30 July for 07.30 to 11.00

Final setup for the match including erection of tarps, barbeque, tables etc

Please contact Lex Carroll 0428 685 194 for further information.

Anyone who can assist with building stages for the match, commencing 12.00 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday also please contact Lex.

NAPC Memers Update 19th July 20176

July 18, 2016

North Arm Pistol Club Working Bees

Normally working bees are scheduled for the 5th Sundays as they occur.  However, Sunday 31 July NAPC is hosting an Interclub IPSC competition.  To catch up on some outstanding jobs and to prepare for the match the following working bees are planned.

Saturday 23 July 2916 for 10.30 to 11.00

Jobs include:

Slashing and mowing

Dig trench and install overflow for water tank

Septic vent

Repair outside seats and tables

Clear and tidy ranges, including crusher dust to ranges 5,6,7

Sort, repair and tidy equipment – especially IPSC

Equipment required: Barrows, spreaders, carpentry gear

Saturday 30 July for 10.20 to 11.00

Final setup for the match including erection of tarps, barbeque, tables etc

Please contact Lex Carroll 0428 685 194 for further information.

Anyone who can assist with building stages for the match, commencing 12.00 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday also please contact Lex.

Members Update 24th May 2016

May 23, 2016

Dear Members

As you would be aware this Sunday (29th May 2016) is the 5th Sunday of the month and would normally be reserved for a club working bee.

Due to the recent range closure and re-opening timeframes we are pleased to advise that this Sunday we have cancelled the working bee and the range will be open for normal competition shooting activities.

Aware that there are only a limited number of shooting opportunities between now and the end of June this will assist members in meeting their competition requirements.

Have a great Wednesday and see you on the range soon.

NAPC Committee


April 26, 2016

Dear Members

As you are aware we (North Arm Pistol Club) have undertaken significant range development works over the past couple of months to upgrade facilities and improve our range infrastructure for both current and future members benefit.

Significant contribution from a number of local organisations and members across this period has delivered the exceptional result that NAPC members can proudly call home.

As you are already aware we also had our QPS WLB Team visit and undertake an audit on the range upgrade works which was passed pending the supply of updated range approval documentation.

We are very happy to advise that we have received our updated range approval (copy available in the members section of the NAPC website

Please ensure that you are familiar with the operating requirements in the setting up of courses of fire as it is critical that all activities are within our range approval specifications.

The Standing Orders for Operation of ranges was is also being updated in synch with the new range approval (copy will be available in members section of the NAPC website Please ensure that you are aware of the Range standing order requirements and how it relates to your shooting, stage design, matches and range usage requirements.

Effective IMMEDIATELY we are pleased to advise the North Arm Pistol Club is re-opened on all ranges per the approval and standing orders and match scheduling can resume to the agreed schedule (on website)

If you observe any issues or feedback on range activities, range works or have suggestions for future improvement please bring these to the attention of a Committee members ASAP.

Happy shooting & see you all on the range soon :-)

North Arm Pistol Club Committee


March 17, 2016

NAPC Circular to members
Dear MembersWe are pleased to advise that the builders have completed the 1st stage of major infrastructure work and the range earlier this week.Following the working bee this Sunday shooting on the open ranges can be undertaken (Remembering new ranges are awaiting QPS Weapons Licencing Approval Prior to their Use)

* Range 1 will not be available from 12pm this Sunday due to training & induction activities.Wednesday access to the range will recommence following this Sundays working bee for approved shooting on the open ranges.

* Thank you for your patience and support throughout the completion of range upgrade process. An enormous amount of paid and volunteer work has gone into the development of our facilities which will bring significant benefit to the club and members over the coming years.

* Sunday 20 March: Members with power tools are needed to complete fitting timber protection to steel posts and beams and to undertake yet another clean up. If you are available to assist at the working bee this is greatly appreciated and ensures that we can have our ranges opened at the earliest possible opportunity once approval is provided. Please contact Lex Carroll 0428 685 194 or

March NAPC Working Bee Update

March 09, 2016

Sunday 13 March 0730

Normal shooting schedule will apply from 10:00

IPSC will be on range 8


If any members have access to surplus hardwood of the following dimensions could they please contact Lex Carroll on 0428 685 194 or


Hardwood 75 (up to 100)x 50 x 2400  and  75 (up to 100)x 50 x 3600


Power drills and drivers for fixing timber to steel in bullet traps ranges 5 & 6 as per last working bee.

Shovels, mattocks, sledge hammers and masonry drills (to manage 1/2inch x 200mm)

Please confirm attendance to or 0428 685 194

A general cleanup of building rubbish

Final work to completion is erection of baffles in front of all bullet traps and installation of turning targets (range 5) and falling plates (range 6) after the final baffles are fitted. Wednesday shooting will reopen as soon as the final baffles are erected.

More recent rain has resulted in several days lost to work due to wet and muddy conditions and showers preventing any welding.

NAPC Range Re-Opening & Working Bee Update

March 03, 2016

Limited shooting can now commence.


Sunday shooting only until works complete. Schedule for Sunday 6 March follows:


Working bee 0800 to 0945 - details below


Range 1 is operational as per normal schedule

Range 2 and 3 operational as per normal schedule from 0945 but air and power are still to be connected.

Ranges 5 and 6 not operational but a limited IPSC shoot will be held behind these ranges.


Working bee:  We will have a bobcat working on 5 and 6 and moving material from near the power pole so parking will be limited early.  There is also some rearranging of spare steel required.


Could any persons who are competent welders and could spare some time next week please contact Lex Carroll on 0428 685 194 or


Anyone able to help with setting up the power and air system also contact Lex

28Feb2016 NAPC Working Bee & Re-Opening

February 27, 2016

Dear Members


Sunday 28 Feb

5 to 6 persons are required for at least ½ day with rakes , shovels, and wheelbarrows to assist the loader in moving and spreading soil, mulch and shredded rubber into bullet traps on range 3

Another cleanup of building rubbish (if someone could bring a trailer to take a tip load would be good)

Power drills and drivers for fixing timber to steel as per last working bee.

Shovels, mattocks, sledge hammers and masonry drills (to manage 1/2inch x 200mm)


Please confirm attendance to or 0428 685 194

We hope to reopen limited shooting on ranges 1,2 and 3 and 8 on Sunday after the working bee but will depend on good weather the remainder of this week. 


Those members who attend the Sunday working bee as active workers are advised there should be an opportunity to shoot a standard pistol match on ranges 2 and 3 before lunch.  Range 1 will also be available for use


The range will remain closed on Wednesdays until builders finish work on range 5 and 6 bullet traps.

NAPC Working Bee Schedule Fe 2016

February 21, 2016

Dear MembersA big thankyou to all those who participated in the working bee activities on Friday and Sunday of last week. A Fantastic contribution to getting our new ranges open in the near future JWe are still working hard to the grind stone to have the ranges open as quickly as possible barring further weather delays or unforeseen issue this will be in the near future JTo facilitate achieving this we would request member’s assistance with the following next two working bee activities:Thursday 25 Feb5 to 6 persons are required for at least ½ day with rakes, shovels, and wheelbarrows to assist the loader in moving and spreading soil, mulch and shredded rubber into bullet traps on range 3.Sunday 28 FebSame as for Thursday PLUS:Another cleanup of building rubbish (if someone could bring a trailer to take a tip load would be good)Power drills and drivers for fixing timber to steel as per last working bee.Shovels, mattocks, sledge hammers and masonry drills (to manage 1/2inch x 200mm)Please confirm attendance to or 0428 685 194We hope to reopen limited shooting on ranges 1,2 and 3 and 8 on Sunday after the working bee but will depend on good weather the remainder of this week. The range will remain closed on Wednesdays until builders finish work on range 5 and 6 bullet traps.

QPS WLB Expired Licences Project 2016

January 01, 2020

Dear Members, please find below details from QPS WLB in relation to an expired licneces project that they are running in 2016. Timely reminder to review your licences and ensure they are current, you have the expiry date diarised, your details are still correct and there are noare no details you need to advise QPS WLB of. other changes that you need to advise QPS WLB...

NAPC Range Development Updae

January 31, 2016

Dear MemberRecent heavy rain at the club has caused a further significant delay and the ongoing showers there have exacerbated the problem as most of the remaining work involves on site welding.Hopefully ranges 2 and 3 will be ready for a final club working bee on Sunday 21 to allow their use on Sundays. Training for new members will commence from then on range 1. Booking should be made by email to use on Wednesdays will not be possible until the builders finish on all ranges (weather permitting by 27 Feb).A reminder that the Club has also updated its website with calendar, scheduling and news sections containing important club updates and information.To gain access to the members section you need to complete the registration process by clicking on the member’s button on the homepage.Ongoing updates will be posted on the news section of the club website and emailed out to members.

NEWS FLASH - Range Works Update

January 16, 2016

Unfortunately due to weather and materials delays in December 2015 the Range Development Works Project is still underway.


There will be another working bee soon, probably in the first week of February, to finalize the necessary safety works before the range can re-open.


A big thank you for the continued support from all members on this critical infrastructure upgrade which will provide a solid base for club members sports and competition shooting for the years to come.


There will still be minor disruptions to range activities as the Bullet Stop and target frame infrastructure is re-introduced to our updated range facilities.


If you have any questions or would like to offer any trades assistance with current range development activities, or future development activities please email our secretary on

NAPC Camera Policy

January 02, 2016

NAPC policy for the use of cameras on the range.Taking photos on North Arm PC facilities is NOT permitted if, when made public in any manner, the photos or videos can:· Identify pistol shooters who may not wish to be identified with a shooting sport;· Be an invasion of privacy under current legislation;· Incorrectly portray unsafe practices to the public who have no knowledge of the events and the rules applied to handguns or events if published;· Bring negative publicity to NAPC or the sport of pistol shooting;· Accidentally depict an apparent unlawful act which if published result results in legal action against the club or prejudices the insurance of the club.In recognition of the above concerns the NAPC policy for taking still shots or motion videos of shooters in action, including photos of individual shooters, is only permitted under the following circumstances:· Photographing paper targets to depict shots and scores for the individual shooter’s reference library.· Photographing the range infrastructure for historical records without depicting shooters identities.· Photographing the shooter with the shooters approval before filming.· Still or video recording with the approval of a committee member.The following is not permitted:· Photographing shooting on the range depicting shooters identities without permission.· Photographing shooters, shooting and club records or documented procedures or events without approval of the committee.What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

NAPC Office Renovations Program Completed

November 30, 2015

North Arm Pistol Club renovations are now complete and approved by all relevant authorities. Special acknowledgement and thanks applies to Sunshine Coast Regional Council for their generous financial support.Thanks are also due to Nationwide Constructions as primary builders as well as those club members who have provided time, effort and expertise with support works to initiate and complete the project - ​well done.

NAPC Range Infrastructure Development Project

December 12, 2015

The North Arm Pistol Club Range infrastructure development project is almost complete with Range works underway including baffles, backstop and bullet trap projects scheduled for completion in 2015.

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